As the only non-invasive skin lifting procedure that treats at optimal depth, without downtime, Ultherapy offers unique benefits to providers and patients.1-5
Ultherapy Patient and Model.
As the only non-invasive skin lifting procedure that treats at optimal depth, without downtime, Ultherapy offers unique benefits to providers and patients.1-5

Microfocused Ultrasound

Ultherapy's ultrasound targets deeper tissues for superior lifting and tightening

Ultherapy treats deeper than radio frequency

Radio frequency (RF) heat tissues “in bulk” using electricity. The majority of this energy is absorbed by the dermis at depths less than 3 mm, and treatment temperatures must remain below 43°C to prevent burning the skin. Factors such as tissue composition and exposure time make precise energy delivery challenging.1,6-8

Ultherapy treats deeper than lasers

Laser light energy is precise, but typically treats only superficial skin layers. Ultherapy ultrasound offers superior depth and temperature control to stimulate collagen production in the SMAS/platysma. And only Ultherapy is FDA-cleared to lift skin.1-3,6-9

Targeted energy delivery at depth

Ultherapy microfocused ultrasound with visualization precisely targets tissues at pre-determined, subdermal depths up to 4.5 mm—more than 100% deeper than lasers and 50% deeper than RF—without affecting intervening tissues or the skin’s surface. Energy delivered is carefully targeted, with spacing between each thermal coagulation point to promote healing.1,6,7

Ultherapy uses ultrasound to stimulate collagen in subdermal tissues up to 4.5 mm deep

Precision Depth and Spacing of TCP Creation

Gross pathology of energy deposited in porcine skin tissue

Woman seeing an Ultherapy provider Woman seeing an Ultherapy provider
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